Most recently, in our home school, we are doing a tiny course on nutrition. This has been in my mind for a long time, but then I found Usborne’s “Why do we Eat?” at a consignment shop for $0.75 and decided it was time. My kids and I read that book a few times, then I printed this nutrition book from The First Grade Sweet Life. We worked on filling it out, then today we went grocery shopping. I let my kids think of things we should buy, according to the variety of foods that we should eat to make our bodies function. We started our list yesterday, and went this morning.
There was nothing particularly terrible about this morning. It was just that… maybe we should have stayed home.
Do you ever have days like that? When you start to do something–whatever it is–you think it’s going to be easy and fun but it ends up giving you a small heart attack instead?
My kids were tired. We didn’t eat a big enough breakfast. And the always-always-always part of my life where I don’t know how to give directions was glaring at me.
Do my kids really understand what we’re doing? Did I explain it well enough to each of them? Of course, my two-year old wouldn’t really understand, but I may have neglected to tell my 4 year-old anything, relied on him hearing when I read that book with my 6 year-old. They might just think this is a regular shopping trip.
Our list was made of only good things, a guide for real-life nutrition lessons:
Granola bars
Rice cakes
Whole foods. Not Whole Foods, but foods that are whole and untainted with chemistry. Strict biology, here!
But somewhere in the putting on of shoes and the checking for shopping supplies and the actual driving to the store, I just started freaking out. Things were so unclear.
Life things. Grocery shopping things. Self things. Kid things.
My mind just went around in swirls.
Sometimes swirls are beautiful, but more often they look chaotic. This is the creative way. More, though, this is the way of life.
We are a series of connected, tumbling, intersecting, up and down lines that have no end and whose beginnings are often hard to locate.
Where does life go next?
There is no pattern to swirls. They dip and peak and then they dip lower and peak higher. To peak means to reach the highest point, but here I’m talking about the point that is highest at that moment, and moments change moment to moment.
That makes sense…
Guys, I admit that I’m just thinking here. This is a blog. Not a published book that has been checked and backed by others. I’m talking about my day, my emotions, my thoughts. I’m using my life with the admonition that my life is different from yours because we are all different people.
Yet we live in the same world.
Somewhere in the writing of all this, I’ve come back to the whole foods list. We made a list of foods that are untainted with chemistry. Strict biology.
We can learn how plants grow and how animals multiply, but life is so swirly. Chemistry happens. Even if no one pours vinegar into a bowl of baking soda, a bottle might spill. Then what?
A couple of weeks ago, I was challenged to diagram my faith race.
As in, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” (from Hebrews 12).
I was challenged to diagram my obstacles, my hindrances, my sins.
I had a hard time with this. First, I drew two lines:
But I didn’t think these two lines accurately represented my path. They were just a starting point because I didn’t know what to draw.
What is my path? I thought.
I thought about my life. It’s pretty common, when you sit down and put words to my actions:
Writing a novel
Writing other things
Perhaps my path is straight like the above lines, but my mind goes in swirls. Perhaps it’s not my feet that wander but my eyes. Instead of looking straight at Jesus, I look up at the clouds and I pause to listen to the leaves of trees. Then I find myself out of breath because I’ve gotten distracted. One minute I am breathing oxygen and the next minute I’ve stuck my head into a pond because I want to see how far the bottom is (total metaphor, guys… that’s just creativity). Today as I drove my children to the grocery store, I just found myself saying, “Jesus help. There has to be a way.”
A way to life. A way to mother. A way to streamline the never ending groceries. A way to end the swirls. A way to breathe. A way to think clearly in the midst of tiny obstacles.
These obstacles that I face, they really are tiny.
The simple answer was right there. “I am the way” (from John 14).
While we might expect to live the natural way of other living organisms, chemistry just works its way in.
The composition of our matter changes because we are not the way. We are only the vessel.